I just had an idea. I was walking back from the post office where I had paid £4.52 to post a package, the value of the goods inside was about £2.00. The package was mostly hollow as the item inside was box-shaped and the cost of the postage is based on weight. By the time I had got back to the office I had a theory that someone could produce sealed bags of lighter-than-air gas that you could enclose in your parcel to bring down the postage cost. The same bag could be used over again. Then I thought, if I could put enough gas in the package so that the whole package was lighter-than-air then maybe the post office would pay me for posting it because it would allow their vans to take more weight and use less fuel! I realise that the huge volumes of gas involved may mean that all their vans would now be too small so perhaps not such a good idea after all.