I'm looking for some guidance on choosing replacements for my two existing Firex L240C mains powered linked ionisation smoke alarms, installed around year 2000. Although they work fine, they've gone yellow and it's time to change them. One is in the downstairs hallway, the other in the upstairs hallway, which also has a carbon monoxide sensor connected to my home alarm. The CO sensor is probably around the same age and I don't have a CO test kit to test it (although I see I can buy one for about £15). Edit...make that £8.
It seems the equivalent replacement is the Kidde Firex KF10. However, perhaps technology has moved on somewhat and I could choose optical or ionisation sensors, and perhaps could/should combine the CO sensor.
Any suggestions as to whether the KF10 is any good etc, or other recommendations?
Better to have optical or ionisation (or one of each [if it's still possible to link them])?
Is it a worthwhile idea to have more expensive combined smoke and CO ones instead?
Any help appreciated
I'm looking for some guidance on choosing replacements for my two existing Firex L240C mains powered linked ionisation smoke alarms, installed around year 2000. Although they work fine, they've gone yellow and it's time to change them. One is in the downstairs hallway, the other in the upstairs hallway, which also has a carbon monoxide sensor connected to my home alarm. The CO sensor is probably around the same age and I don't have a CO test kit to test it (although I see I can buy one for about £15). Edit...make that £8.
It seems the equivalent replacement is the Kidde Firex KF10. However, perhaps technology has moved on somewhat and I could choose optical or ionisation sensors, and perhaps could/should combine the CO sensor.
Any suggestions as to whether the KF10 is any good etc, or other recommendations?
Better to have optical or ionisation (or one of each [if it's still possible to link them])?
Is it a worthwhile idea to have more expensive combined smoke and CO ones instead?
Any help appreciated
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