I got the Christmassy stuff out yesterday, to get it set up, despite us agreeing we couldn't be bothered this year. We got rid of most of the stuff over the years, to reduce the effort needed. Lights, I always check, before installing, as fault finding is then easier if they don't work.
Everything worked fine on initial test, except that the tree packed in a couple of hours after it was set up. It's a fibre optic type, single 12v 16w MR11 QH lamp in the base, with a geared 12v ac motor driving a multi-coloured disc filter around, between lamp and fibre bundle and the lamp had failed.
Not complaining, we have had the tree and lamp 20 years, but since LED came out I have promised myself that I would swap it. LED 5w MR11 12v AC/DC lamp now ordered, but to get it working temporarily, I remembered I had swapped the caravan over some years ago, from 12v MR11 10w QH to MR11 LED's. Luckily, I had kept the removed QH lamps, as backup's for LED's failing, so had plenty of them, to fit to the tree. The tree has always been a bit dimmer than you would expect, so once the LED arrives, it should be quite a bit brighter than before, with less waste heat generated.
We bought the fibre tree, because it takes much less effort to set up and pack away, than the alternatives. Just one, single light source in the base and it looks OK.
Everything worked fine on initial test, except that the tree packed in a couple of hours after it was set up. It's a fibre optic type, single 12v 16w MR11 QH lamp in the base, with a geared 12v ac motor driving a multi-coloured disc filter around, between lamp and fibre bundle and the lamp had failed.
Not complaining, we have had the tree and lamp 20 years, but since LED came out I have promised myself that I would swap it. LED 5w MR11 12v AC/DC lamp now ordered, but to get it working temporarily, I remembered I had swapped the caravan over some years ago, from 12v MR11 10w QH to MR11 LED's. Luckily, I had kept the removed QH lamps, as backup's for LED's failing, so had plenty of them, to fit to the tree. The tree has always been a bit dimmer than you would expect, so once the LED arrives, it should be quite a bit brighter than before, with less waste heat generated.
We bought the fibre tree, because it takes much less effort to set up and pack away, than the alternatives. Just one, single light source in the base and it looks OK.