City of Lincoln just flew over my chimney

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Couple of seagulls flew over our chimney, bastards. They nested one year and laid eggs. I got Mrs filly to phone the council, I naively thought that for a small fee, they'd send a chap round with a gun and send them off to seagull heaven. No, they would come round, take the eggs and replace the eggs with plastic ones. The idea is that when the plastic eggs fail to hatch, it deters the gulls from nesting in that same place next year.
The bloke from the council then went on to explain that they take the real eggs away and incubate them until they hatch, hand rear the small gulls and release them into the wild when they're old enough. WTF?, she put the phone down at that point.

They've given me some pleasure over the years though, watching them swoop on a small child with an ice cream is always fun.
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I was rather hoping someone might have some sort of clue about where it had been, where it was going, to have passed directly over my house?
Might help if you let us know what town or village your house is in. I’d say at that time it would be in its way back to base but you could be in Cornwall or Leeds!
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