once upon a time in this great country of ours a man could expect to have a few choice in life that were considerd bold & adventurous for a past time, he or his peer's had won him that wright and he could go pursue his past time without hinderance or bother, as long as he was not a dange to anybody, but now adays it seem if you want to indulage in activites that are not the norm ,somebody want's to ban it, is rock climbing, bungie jumping, skiing ,rafting down rivers, parachute diving, deep sea diving, etc etc, any more dangerious than going out to stop some yob smashing your car, i read last week that a 74 year old guy called Fred Hill, died in pentenvill prison while serving his 31st sentence for refusing to were a helmit, he had serer his country in the army as a dispatch rider and was issued with a beret he said if that was good enough then it was still good enough, what harm did he do , guess he would have got on better as a drugie or yob, they get there's free and a councillor to boot