Clanger of the month

7 Feb 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I finished a repair on a car earlier than expected today.
As the car was full of crumbs inside, I decided to give it a quick valet with the industrial vacuum.
On the punters return, I jokingly said with big smile ' you should stop eating pasties in the car - its a hell of a mess!'
The punter replied ' its not pasties - its me psoriasis'.
Sadly, the ground did not open and swallow me.
John :)
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Maybe, just maybe, dry humour at your expense??? To make you feel better? (oops dry..)..

I recall when my old boiler was installed, and the engineer said, when the electricians turn up, you must tell them to refit the boiler body, to overcome the interlock....and I said yes.

A few days later, the leccys turn up, and spend three days at the house, in the meantime, they help themselves to a brew, and my g/f at the time was annoyed, at the time spent messing about...

So she storms into the kitchen, after they made their brews, with my stuff, and uninvited...

"What are you doing using those cups? I use them for the dog bleach!", they immediately spit out their brews...

(No such thing as dog bleach!), a total lie...then I recall...oh you do know about the interlock on the case don't you? Job done in 10 minutes...and out of there!!!

We didn't even have a dog!
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