Co-Op Live

25 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Is what is happening in Manchester with the 'Co-Op Live' entertainments complex putting you off using the Co-Op?

Whilst I know their name is over the door I'm well aware it's opened and operated by 'Oak View group' I do wonder if the problems will affect the Co-Op's finances and hence the costs to their customers.

The whole place seems to be fiasco (typical of today's GB) - USA input, UK speed and quality of delivery for new projects. But then the only thing that seems to matter for entertainment in this country is football.

I have a couple of insurance policies with the Co-Op, it's in name only as they sold on their insurance segment some time ago but even so even that is still their name. Does make me wonder about renewing.
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Co-op business model means it’s run like a parish council. It used to have asset values greater than its business value… which is next level incompetence.
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A subby we have in work told me that they had treated their workers badly so lots of electricians left and put the word out so now they are having problems getting good electricians in to do the work and are only getting crap ones in.