coleslaw recepies?

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
mom tried making some coleslaw today with fromage frais instead of mayo ( healthier for our diets.. ).. problem is it tasted bloody awfull..
anyone got a decent recipe that uses fromage frais / yoghurt instead of mayo?
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I absolutely hate COLESLAW !!!!!!!!
So any recipes will be thin on the ground, But here goes,,,,,,,,

Take one cabbage, green/white/red/sky blue pink/ whatever.
Chop up into very thin pieces. Get some carrots and do the same, Onions/ opinions. etc
To the already chopped up ingredients. Add some mayonnaise. Stir together for half an hour. Just stand back and be amazed, how many forum members actually pick some of the mixture to put on their plates. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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If on a diet surely it would be best to avoid coleslaw all together.
Try Russian salad instead.

But seriously oil, egg yolk, and lemon/vinegar is mayo. There are low fat varieties.