Compensation system.



I'm looking for a recommendation for a basic cheap weather compensation system to control a basic condensing oil boiler.

I offered the customer Danfoss, but they didn't like it, too complex.
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:cry: Basic and cheap do not go together at all well on central heating
set ups. Best would to to get some expirience on heating systems and study different wc set ups before launching yourself on the unsupecting
public. There are a number of publications available.
Don't throw in cheap stuff for a quick buck, this is what gets the trade a
bad name.
:cry: Basic and cheap do not go together at all well on central heating
set ups. Best would to to get some expirience on heating systems and study different wc set ups before launching yourself on the unsupecting
public. There are a number of publications available.
Don't throw in cheap stuff for a quick buck, this is what gets the trade a
bad name.

Perhaps you could learn some basic English before taking part in a forum debate. Did you enjoy any formal education as a child?
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Ah good, cause I got excluded from Skool aged 14, for selling uppers in the Playground. Which was a total nightmare, as it was a great wee earner!!

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