Computer Power Outlet.



Above the 'male' mains connecting socket on my computer, there is a 'female' outlet with the same plug size.Would this be a 240v or 12v connection?
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mains power out, probably switched off when you turn off the PC system unit

so is handy for ancillaries such as printer or display screen so they will be turned off when you shut down the PC
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i had a pc that has that, its for plugging in the monitor, so as said when you turn the pc off, it turns the monitor off too

must be old though, since it was meant for crt monitors as they pugged directly into the mains for the supply
The only ones I can remember which killed the monitor power with the on/off switch were the old AT power supplies which have almost died out now. These had the latching type power button (mains).
The more common ones nowadays (ATX) power on with a momantary pushbutton via the motherboard. When windows shuts down it can automatically shut the PC power supply down with an ATX. The IEC sockets I have seen on ATX PSUs are only there for convenience and do not power off when powering the PC down, I'm not saying that this is the same for them all, maybe more expensive ones do??