I have had an extension with a concrete floor which is currently approximately 165mm lower than the existing floor level. I was thinking of laying some form of insulation blocks and then finishing with about a 70mm layer of screed. However, I am now looking at the poss of a floating floor which will be warmer and is a project I could do in stages rather than having the screed laid all in one go. Got a lot of things being stored in the new build area at the mo. I have looked at Styrofloor board at 162mm which sounds really easy to fit as it states that you can lay the finished flooring straight onto it. ie no floorboards, but it is quite expensive. Has anyone used this and how stable is it? I will need to erect some stud walling and wonder how this will secure onto the insulation. Or does anyone have any other suggestion? The Styrofloor board is working out at about £42 plus VAT for an 8 x 2 board. Is there anything similar out there?