condensation in loft

22 Nov 2005
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United Kingdom
I have water dripping from my loft & so do other people in the same syle of hosue in my road. can you suggest some ideas to help ? I have thoght about adding more ventilation via cutting in slots on the under facia or replacing the insulation with thicker foil backed
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Soffit vent's will almost certainly help,but how is the moist warm air getting into the loft in the first place?
Is the cold water tank fitted with a lid?

I suspect it is steam from the bathroom, if there is no extractor fan that comes on automatically with the light, unless you are in the habit of hanging wet washing around the house to dry. these are the two big sources of water vapour. It is lighter than air so rises up through the house until either it escapes, or finds something cold to condense on.

Lots more loft ventilation is needed, maybe it has been blocked by insulation.

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