Congratulations to me!!!

21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Just had to let you all know, my daughter Emma 81/2lbs was born today after my wife underwent an emergency cesearian, after 8 hours in labour. Im knackered, but both doing well so im going to bed! :D :D :D :D
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Must admit it is knackering standing there watching, but congratulations to all 3 (?) of you,
Now you'll be on here all night ;) ;) ;)
One day you'll remember what sleep was !!!!
breezer's signature said:
always note what goes where amazing info if you search

Mr Thermo has obviously searched, and duly noted what goes where.....!!


Congrats to the Thermo family!
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Well done that man! (I'm sure Mrs Thermo played her part too ;) )

8 hours in labour? Like father like daughter, no charge of speeding for Miss E. Thermo! :D
well done to all the Thermo family, I'll help wet the babys head this evening, . :D
nice one thermo

Thermo said:
Just had to let you all know, my daughter Emma 81/2lbs was born today
My son was born on 9th June but a difference name ;)

All the best.
Good hear all healthy and Well Thermo, that is, afterall, the most important thing.
Good work fella ..:)

What was that Medic drama on TV about a Maternity ward had some excellent moments in it ,all true an scarey about this Doctors mistakes an bad nurses ...BBC2 I think ?
Congratulations to All !!

Prepare to learn all about middle-of-the-night TV for the next few months :LOL: :LOL:
Ok I've started wetting the babys head, started with a bottle of red wine and now on the murphys the wife is still in Australia and I'm starting after almost 3 weeks to feel abit lonesome so may end up in tears unless I fall asleep, the point I'm trying to make is, its nice to have your family around you etc hic! :cry:
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