My Halstead Finest Gold (apart from being renowned for being a piece of rubbish) keeps going into Safety Lockout.
It normally does it when the pressure drops in the system (once a year). However, I noticed that the fan was running continuously when I was outside near the flu.
I checked the boiler and it's in safety lockout. The pressure is fine (~1.25 bar). I've powered cycled it and left it to cool down (as I seem to recall it overheated once before). However, it still locks out.
Are there any obvious quick checks I can make. I'm fairly good with electrical circuits etc, but not a gas engineer, so only want to do what I'm allowed to do.
This has started today after no aparent reason. There was HW this morning, but now, obviously, there's no HW or Heating (the pregnant wife is well chuffed about that!).
Many thanks
My Halstead Finest Gold (apart from being renowned for being a piece of rubbish) keeps going into Safety Lockout.
It normally does it when the pressure drops in the system (once a year). However, I noticed that the fan was running continuously when I was outside near the flu.
I checked the boiler and it's in safety lockout. The pressure is fine (~1.25 bar). I've powered cycled it and left it to cool down (as I seem to recall it overheated once before). However, it still locks out.
Are there any obvious quick checks I can make. I'm fairly good with electrical circuits etc, but not a gas engineer, so only want to do what I'm allowed to do.
This has started today after no aparent reason. There was HW this morning, but now, obviously, there's no HW or Heating (the pregnant wife is well chuffed about that!).
Many thanks