Spent the last couple of weeks converting my shed/outhouse into a room for my PC/Tele/Games Console basically a lads pad out the way of the house. Anyway it's single layer brick and iv'e insulated and plasterboarded it. Now i'm onto the flooring and was wondering what best to do with it.
Its a concrete floor at present but was going to carpet it so what should i lay down before the carpet. Seen some polystyrene 25mm thick in B and Q was gonna lay that down and then some plyboard or just lay 18mm ply staight onto concrete floor to take chill off it any better suggestions would be welcome. Iv'e put a PVC door in and iv'e got about 30mm depth to play with because of the lip around door frame
Its a concrete floor at present but was going to carpet it so what should i lay down before the carpet. Seen some polystyrene 25mm thick in B and Q was gonna lay that down and then some plyboard or just lay 18mm ply staight onto concrete floor to take chill off it any better suggestions would be welcome. Iv'e put a PVC door in and iv'e got about 30mm depth to play with because of the lip around door frame