Cooker hood internal wiring

9 Jul 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

Doing the stupid thing as usual, disconnecting cable without taking photos, and now I'm not sure how to reconnect the power supply cable.

In the photo, the 4 upper wires is from the fan and the 4 lower wires is from the fan speed/lighting control unit.

Thanks for your help!
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Do you have a multi meter that you can test with? It would be just a guess but I would say you need to connect brown to brown and blue to purple where you have spare ways in the connector block.
Coneect the meter across the 2 terminals I mentioned. Select resistance on your meter. Check the reading and then press the fan speed buttons one at a time and see if the reading changes with each switch.and let us know what readings you get.
@jj4091 So, for low speed, I've got 35 Ohm and for high speed, I've got over 100 Ohm. I remember both the wires from power cable is doubled up, on the same spot with some other wires though.

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