I have two problems at the moment which are the legacy of using cowboy builders.
First the cold water supply into the house is connected to a plastic elbow right after the stop cock. After bumping this connection the water pressure pushed the joint loose. As a stop gap I retightened the connection as well as possible and reduced the water intake to about 25%. Should I change this to a metal elbow connected to the plastic on a straight run? Will this let me increase the pressure?
2nd problem
Same cowboys installed two radiators and towel rail in new extension. One radiator and towelrail working fine but other radiator is cold. Water is pressured at radiator but cold. Plumber here to do work for film crew filming said cowboy builders work said that it was probably due to microbore being used for whole system. I have moved and removed radiators in the past without any such problems. Any advice?
I have two problems at the moment which are the legacy of using cowboy builders.
First the cold water supply into the house is connected to a plastic elbow right after the stop cock. After bumping this connection the water pressure pushed the joint loose. As a stop gap I retightened the connection as well as possible and reduced the water intake to about 25%. Should I change this to a metal elbow connected to the plastic on a straight run? Will this let me increase the pressure?
2nd problem
Same cowboys installed two radiators and towel rail in new extension. One radiator and towelrail working fine but other radiator is cold. Water is pressured at radiator but cold. Plumber here to do work for film crew filming said cowboy builders work said that it was probably due to microbore being used for whole system. I have moved and removed radiators in the past without any such problems. Any advice?