You are on the right track, but falling over half way there. Your lintel over door won’t effect corbels.
Take your inner skin up to top of frame all round. Take face work up to two course below door frame. Each side of frame bed couple bricks two course high to get lintel bearing. Bed your lintel.
Take inner block work up to storey height all round, less thickness of plate and bed, on the two eaves (side walls).
Bed and fix your plate to eaves. Comic is to small to see details, but would say roof is 35 degree pitch. This will give soffit of approx 225 to 250, and depending on up stand for tiles facia of about 200 to 225. At this point you might just as well pitch yer roof. Word of warning, make sure that you have not got to much rise on commons so that you can not get ridge tile and lead saddle to go below centre window above roof.
Set yer drop, set soffit level to the overhang on commons and cut commons to plumb facia cut. If you don’t know how to do any of this, or you don’t know how to work out your plumb, seat cuts and overhang, then you will have to come back.
You now know the depth of corbel and how many corbels you want. Aim for three flats on top so facia tucks into side of them. Corbels can be any where between 30 to 50mm overhang.
Suggest gable, do a fair raking cut 150mm down from top of commons, and run two course flat up verge for tile cloaking to sit on. Looks nice, we often use different brick for corbel and two course op the rake. We also sometimes form arrow slit in gable or diamond shape, to give feature.
Hope I have not confused yer, read it two or three times, go outside and look at it and it will all drop in place.
Best of luck. old un.