Employment judge John Crossfil in a 100 page ruling dismissed unfair dismissal claims brought by Mark edmonds against the London Borough of Tower hamlets
He stated that he considered it sad that the claimant used his considerable skills to expose poor and corrupt practices he ended up feeling his work was under appreciated and lost his job
The council spent untold sums fighting edmonds claims while also trying to stop the release of 2000 pages of court documents detailing corruption and cronyism
The corruption In The Borough benefited the youth services and the Bangladeshi community
Despite the corruption uncovered plod wee reluctant to investigate and no prosecution followed
Absent from the witness box was youth services boss Dinar Hossain who took. Voluntsry redundancy
On his watch at least 2 million squid including home office anti radicalisation prevent funds were paid to youth services providers that were either fictious or run by council pen pushers to promote Bangladeshi politicians
Hosssain gave a statement denying wron g doing and alleging racism
No surprise there than
He stated that he considered it sad that the claimant used his considerable skills to expose poor and corrupt practices he ended up feeling his work was under appreciated and lost his job
The council spent untold sums fighting edmonds claims while also trying to stop the release of 2000 pages of court documents detailing corruption and cronyism
The corruption In The Borough benefited the youth services and the Bangladeshi community
Despite the corruption uncovered plod wee reluctant to investigate and no prosecution followed
Absent from the witness box was youth services boss Dinar Hossain who took. Voluntsry redundancy
On his watch at least 2 million squid including home office anti radicalisation prevent funds were paid to youth services providers that were either fictious or run by council pen pushers to promote Bangladeshi politicians
Hosssain gave a statement denying wron g doing and alleging racism
No surprise there than