Could I claim off Ford??

14 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
I recently bought the missus an 03 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec. We're the third owners since the car was new.

We had a breakdown last week in which the engine management light came on so I decided to take the car to a recommended back street mechanic for him to look at.

As it turns out, rain water had actually managed to leak through the washer-jets on the car bonnet and into the engine bay. Over a period of time the spark plug compartment had filled with water and the spark plugs had rusted which explains the problems I have been having.

The mechanic tells me that although there was never a recall for this "design fault" Ford are well aware of the problem and have since re-designed the washer-jets on newer models with new rubber seals to stop the leaks. :eek: :rolleyes:

I gave him the go ahead to remove the water, change the spark plugs and to fit the new up-rated washer-jets. It has cost me £90 to put right.

I'm in two minds about contacting Ford to try to get my money back. We're expecting our first baby in a few weeks and I'm absolutely skint after spending hundreds on getting ready for the baby.

Has anybody actually had any experience of claiming money from Ford for this type of thing and if so, how did you go about it?

I know it's only £90 but every little helps at the moment. I've tried calling Ford Customer Services but after going through their automated telephone service I gave up waiting for an answer.
As fords chief of complaints dept Mrs F. Adam would say not a hope
They would probably just laugh at you.

Congrats on the baby btw....... you're gonna be even more skint over the next year so get used to it! :LOL:
^neo^ said:
They would probably just laugh at you.

Congrats on the baby btw....... you're gonna be even more skint over the next year so get used to it! :LOL:

Tell me about it. Looking forward to every second of it :D

I'm becoming more and more of a skin-flint already hence the (probably) silly question :cool:
third owner therefore unlikely ford will contribute.
use a main dealer for servicing with a full history?, if not contribution unlikely.
repaired by a main dealer? if not contribution unlikely.
you could certainly try with customer services, it has been known if you kick up enough.

ps, this is not a common or well known fault to ford dealers, i should know cause i am one. :(
davieboy said:
third owner therefore unlikely ford will contribute.
use a main dealer for servicing with a full history?, if not contribution unlikely.
repaired by a main dealer? if not contribution unlikely.
you could certainly try with customer services, it has been known if you kick up enough.

ps, this is not a common or well known fault to ford dealers, i should know cause i am one. :(

use a main dealer for servicing with full history ?
if not contribution unlikely.
Very childish attitude though.
what you can save going to an independant garage for the same servicing would probably have saved you more than enough to pay for the repair anyway
two words about Ford cock-ups ..............Silver Fox :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: you gotta be a certain age to remember ;)
davieboy said:
third owner therefore unlikely ford will contribute.
use a main dealer for servicing with a full history?, if not contribution unlikely.
repaired by a main dealer? if not contribution unlikely.
you could certainly try with customer services, it has been known if you kick up enough.

ps, this is not a common or well known fault to ford dealers, i should know cause i am one. :(

That just confirms what I already know about Ford Dealers in general. Thet are either ignorant to customer requests or in denial to any problems.

I would actually call myself a Ford enthusiast. I have owned nothing but Ford cars for over 10 years and I regulary keep up to date with Ford developments and their most recent cock-ups through Ford owners clubs and the like.

I have changed washer jets on older fords in the past and Im pretty sure there was rubber seals on the washer jets of my old escort for example. I dont ever remember water leaking into the engine bay through the washer jets on any of my old fords.
So why did ford decide not to waterproof the washer jets on their 2003 model Fiesta's? The simple answer - it saved them a few pence on production.
If it wasn't a well known problem then why have they actually uprated the washer jets since? If the part worked so perfectly then it wouldn't need changing would it? It all comes down to cost.
Ford cocked yet again up but wont admit to it. They never do. I could actually run off a list of Ford design cock ups for the last 5 years or so but I'd be here all day.

It only cost me £90 all said and done but it anoys me because car manufactures aren't held acountable for their mistakes.
What if the missus had been travelling down the motorway and the engine had decided to cut out then? It's never Fords problem is it?

Rant over :LOL:
Nige F said:
two words about Ford cock-ups ..............Silver Fox :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: you gotta be a certain age to remember ;)

A most a-peel-ing colour if memory servers me correctly.

Try this one then if of a certain age - Pinto fuel tank....
I ( and my brother) have had Ford cars for the last 20 years , never had a leaking washer jet once, but do check my plugs , and take them out repacaing as required, once a year and put copperease on threads.
Your car has been poorly maintained, don't blame Fords for that.
BTW on my Escort, Ford put on a new rear quarter due to rust round the filler pipe ( 3 months within the 6 year warranty) , this was not dealer maintained either. So th e Ford warranty is worth its name.
If you want real trouble buy a R*n**lt
Don't think you'll get anywhere with Ford.

We have a 05 Ford KA (wifes car), bought it from new. Always had loads of play on the brake peddle (peddle used to touch pan of car when fully pressed down). Took it to a Ford main dealer when the car was 1 month old & they said there's nothing wrong with your brakes, all Ford KA's are like that. I put up with the brakes until the second service (at another Ford main dealer). The service manager pointed out to me that the brakes were dreadful (loads of play on peddle), which I agreed & told him the story. I asked him if Ford would sort them out under warrantee, as this had been an on going issue. He said not a chance. I took the car home & stripped down the front brake pads. I found out the problem. The brake pads were sticking within the carriers. Cleaned pads ups & applied copper grease to the edges of pads & carriers. Brakes brill now, once I's sorted them out. If only I'd known that over 2 years ago, still sorted now.

I also sent Ford 3 emails in the past regarding this issue with the brakes & I had no response.

You could always send Ford an email or letter, you might get luckier than myself.
My mum has recently broken down for the same problem..washer jets leaked onto plugs etc.

Ford would only contribute 50% towards the repair even though the car is still under Warranty!

Now being a Warranty manager myself for VW this I find completely absurd for the following reasons;

1. The car is still within the Warranty period and the part at fault is not a wearing item.
2. This IS a known fault with Fiesta, as I have a friend who happens to be a Service Manager with Ford!
3. As this is a known fault and a modified part has been produced, why have they not made customers aware of this problem so they would have the choice as to get it fitted or not.

I am currently 'discussing' the problem with Ford and if she is not refunded in full then I will be persuing this through a Small Claims Court.

This is not about the money but the principle in car dealers trying to rip off people who know little about these things.

I will let you know how I get on!![/quote]