Could this be condensation?

20 Jul 2011
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United Kingdom
Hello Everybody,

First post here and need some advice please. I have a small cottage in Norfolk that appears to have a damp problem, have checked the walls with a damp meter and the damp is not at the bottom of the walls but at the top, the property was re-roofed about two months ago and had a damp proof against rising damp done 8 years ago.

Despite this the walls get very damp, it seems worse when it rained the other day. I checked gutters and walls outside for cracks but none where evident, it has been suggested to me the problem is condensation. The property has solid walls and is one room thick, it is mid terrace. It has double glazing with no trickle vents I must add, pictures of the damp are here:

It has also been suggested that once dried out with a dehumidifier I have it drylined internally, am trying to research this and wanted some opinions.

All help appreciated.

Many thanks,

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How long have you lived there and is it a second home i.e. irregularly occupied ?

How long has the problem been obvious ? What sort of heating do you have ?

Yes it is a second home, we visit most weekends.

We have had it for about two months, it is heated by central heating - we have only turned this on once so far.

Before we bought it it was occupied full time.

Thanks for your time.


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