I think as a country we should stop giving foreign aid, and invest that money in rebuilding our industrys, get our people back in work, they would gain self esteem again, and we would be less reliant on other countries selling us things we used to produce for ourselves.
Withdraw our troops from the phony wars, that we will never win anyway,
how many more service personnel have to be killed for nothing?
Don't reduce the number of police on the streets, instead employ none police for the administration jobs within the police force, and then that would free up police to do policing duties.
Give the courts more power to penalise the wrong doers, make them pay for the damage they have caused.
Tighten up immigration control, deport wrong doers, back to their country of origin.
Give the country the opportunity of a referendum on the EEC
and abide by the outcome, then we might get our country back.