Courts Hanging

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
A director of Courts hanged himself because the collapse of the company meant his pension fund also went t*ts-up.

Do you feel sorry for the guy, or do you say "to hell with the money, you've still got your life, family etc...." ?

Unless there is more to the story than is being told, the guy was a fool to take his life just because the pension fund went up the chimney.
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it takes a lot of guts to kill yourself (or a lot of rope in his case) it must have worried him quite a lot to take such action
you definatly dont feel sorry for the dead man
his time has passed you can feel sympathy for his family and freinds
if people didnt worry about materialistic things there would be less preasure on him and his family and they would probably cope but all the time you are worrying about what other people think you have a problem
its a segregated community rather than an extended comunity where people look after each other that a lot of people seem to live in :cry:
It's a shame when someone becomes so obsessed with money that it's the most important thing in their life. If you ask me, this obsession was probably a problem before the collapse of his pension.

Perhaps it had turned him into a workaholic, causing the breakup of his marriage, and the alienation of his own offspring. He may have lost all of his real friends, through his devious manipulation of them, to get to the top. His home may have been morgaged, up to the hilt, to pay for underhanded insider dealings, that have now fallen through. To add to this, he has probably just found out, that all of those, that he considered friends, have now turned their back on him, as he is of no further value to their own meglomaniacal carears.

Nah, he probably just slipped while he was larking about. :LOL:
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TexMex said:
It's a shame when someone becomes so obsessed with money that it's the most important thing in their life. If you ask me, this obsession was probably a problem before the collapse of his pension.

Perhaps it had turned him into a workaholic, causing the breakup of his marriage, and the alienation of his own offspring. He may have lost all of his real friends, through his devious manipulation of them, to get to the top. His home may have been morgaged, up to the hilt, to pay for underhanded insider dealings, that have now fallen through. To add to this, he has probably just found out, that all of those, that he considered friends, have now turned their back on him, as he is of no further value to their own meglomaniacal carears.

Nah, he probably just slipped while he was larking about. :LOL:

many a true word said in jest tex mex :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)
securespark said:
A director of Courts hanged himself because the collapse of the company meant his pension fund also went t*ts-up.

Do you feel sorry for the guy, or do you say "to hell with the money, you've still got your life, family etc...." ?

Unless there is more to the story than is being told, the guy was a fool to take his life just because the pension fund went up the chimney.

There is a word for it..................SELFISH :eek:
A sad thing; I've dealt with Courts, and I can imagine it's a company that's pushed a lot of people to consider this course of action, normally though, it's the customers that the company is pushing to the limit!
I would think of hanging meself too :-
.... HOWARD COHEN may be a man of exceptional foresight, or he may be simply well advised. Either way, the decision in March last year to take £3.9 million out of the Courts pension fund and place it in his personal pension pot looks remarkably timely.
Mr Cohen, a former director of the furniture company and trustee of the pension fund, will probably not be congratulating himself on that decision this weekend. Instead, he is likely to be mourning the death of James Jacobs, a senior executive who had spent 17 years with Courts and who committed suicide on Tuesday. Aged 61, he believed that his pension had been lost with the collapse of the company, which had a deficit of at least £14 million in its pension fund.
The death of Mr Jacobs underlines the extent to which fears over pensions can blight lives.
Now the alarm bells are ringing ... in this instance, what about the proposed central fund to bail out pension losers ? ..... What about the amounts removed just before tragedy strikes ? ... Open to unscrupulous fiddling .. Cap the lot at national average pay and end the potential chicanery !!

I used to work as an IT contractor some years ago, but became ill and was unable for work for about 2 years. It gets very scary when you go from earning £90K a year to benefits and yet still have to manage mortgages, bills, kids education etc etc. I used to get an endless barrage of calls from creditors basically giving constant abuse. I ended up severely depressed (and I mean that in the clinical sense) and seriously thought of taking my life. It might seem like selfishness or obsession, but depression shouldn't be taken lightly as all rational thoughts are suppressed.
Never mind Ig, nothing like a bit of hardship to improve the breed, bet you were glad you salted a good wedge of the £90k pa away ..... were you not ? Now I know two things a) What an eagle may answer. b) What a Turkey might gobble. ........... ;) ;)
I was glad to leave the rat race. Working for a small independant business is a much nicer way to make a living, even if the money is somewhat less.
Be happy, live long -- hopefully !!
And give the Govn some stick !! make 'em earn their dosh, no quarter given. :D :D
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