hi, noticed a little crack in the render on the rear of my property tonight, seems its swelled out a bit, and a tiny bit of algae or fungi has grown in it as i can see a stem & small leaf or something like that, whats the best way to repair the render.
remove all the loose bits around it then re-render?
its not like proper render, more like a thin render over bricks with a kind of textured finish (not all that good really) - like a cheap skim of render or something then painted same colour as house. any ideas? what mix? thanks in advance.
remove all the loose bits around it then re-render?
its not like proper render, more like a thin render over bricks with a kind of textured finish (not all that good really) - like a cheap skim of render or something then painted same colour as house. any ideas? what mix? thanks in advance.