
25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Does anyone know why sit-ups are called "crunches" now... I don't get it, at PE (c1996) we called them sit-ups. At my university gym (c2000) we called them sit-ups. But my current gym insists on calling them "crunches", as does everyone I know who goes to various other gyms.

Is this because "crunch" sounds more like "raaaar, feel the burn, breach the envelope, max the window", whereas "sit-up" sounds strangely like something out of a WW2 PT class? :LOL:

I wonder what press-ups and star-jumps are called now?
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i believe the answer is becaus e they are not the same.

a sit up you lay on floor with your legs anchored to ?
you then sit up all the way so your top half is vertical then back to floor again

crunchie is a sweet produced by Cadbury

no seriously, a crunch is when you are half way between the two, you do not go back to laying on the floor and yo do not comeall the way to vertical

but as for why i am not a p.e instructor so dont know.

well thats my theory any way

its amzing if you google, just found the following

'V' sit ups;
Lie on your back with your hands extended above your head.
Simultaneously raise both your legs and body (inc. arms) to form a 'V' shape. Lower and repeat.
A variation on this is to 'split' the V.
Ie do one leg and opposite arm, repeat with other opposite limbs then do both together.

Foetal crunch;
Lie on your back with your hands in close guard position.
Simultaneously pull your legs up and body up so you end in a foetal position. Extend and repeat.

so i wasnt right, but i wasnt wrong, but i was right that they are not the same
I just asked my wife what the difference is between the two and she lay on the floor to demonstrate. For a sit-up she lay flat on the floor and then sat all the way up. For the crunch she sort of tensed halfway up and just moved up and down a bit without fully relaxing.

As she is wearing a mini-skirt I asked her to see how many she could do but she said she needed to cook the tea :cry:
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Tssk ......... *looks around to see no one else here * ...erm ..Have you got a digi-camera ...MMMmmmm (wife in lil skirt doing sit ups at Voyeurweb .com )
was it a thong or tanga ..colour ...etc
only kidding ;) wink wink nudge nudge etc
herrmmhp .. SORRY ..LOL LOL

crunches, as my old Army PTI Cleary said was the noise your ribs should make as you finish a set (btw I was a STAB !)
If you didnt have cramps that night you were A Soft A*SE Sh45E-HAWK