... Councils will now have the power to impose fines of up to £1,000 on any owner of an anti-social evergreen hedge who refuses to trim it back to a maximum height of two metres (6ft 6in) when next door complains..... But anti-hedge campaigners, brandishing their tape measures, are furious that councils plan to charge up to £550 a time to pursue complaints.
Hedgeline, the national lobby group formed in 1998 to fight for lower leylandii, expects thousands of victims to file complaints but believes many more with genuine evergreen grievances will be deterred by the high fees...
Never thought I would see the day !! Simple measurement plus complaint should be enough, isn't the rule straightforward enough ?
Note how councils are now starting to charge for doing their job, I guess they feel we are happy to to be levied CT just to pay their f'ing bloated pensions ... Bit like a 'standing charge' ....