Damp patch on bedroom wall

19 Nov 2011
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United Kingdom
I have an increasing damp patch on an external bedroom wall near an old chimney. It started with the wallpaper and polystyrene sheet coming off the wall which I thought was the paste failing as I have similar bits peeling elsewhere. Then the plaster started to crumble and show damp.

Years ago there was an open fire in that bedroom but not used in many years. I don't know what was placed inside the chimney, I think something was and board with vent place infront of the open file place. I don't know if it was capped though can't see anything from looking outside. There are 3 chimneys on that side of the house and all meet to form one large chimney stack. Looking from a neighbours window I can see what I think is a tile missing from the corner base of the stack but can't see behind the stack.

Any ideas please.

I don't know if it's caused by a roof/gutter problem or a chimney problem. What trade do I need to investigate to determine cause of the damp and remedy it. Thanks
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