Danes face growing Muslim storm

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
[url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4664408.stm]BBC [/url] said:
..A newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet, one of which pictured a bomb hidden in his turban, apologised on Monday
.... Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador to Denmark, while Libya said it was closing its embassy in Copenhagen.

:D :D :D :D

Fancy any of this lot with a 'big white finned one' then?
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I think they should get a sense of humour! Islamic law doesn't apply to non-muslims... in fact it doesn't really apply to muslims: when was the last time a muslim thief had his hands chopped off in the UK or any other western country? :confused: (nearly said civilised country, but didn't want to cause controversy :p )

There is a lot of hypocracy in this issue: they claim their issue is because islam doesn't allow depictions of Mohammed. However, islam doesn't allow depictions of humans and animals either (which is why you often see no pictures in islamic houses, just patterns)... yet they sell enough cameras and camcorders and camera phones in Saudi Arabia.

Go to Edgware Road: you see plenty of muslim men drinking alcohol, but their wives are in bherkas!!! :LOL:

They're making a fuss for the sake of it. It really isn't that offensive! I really don't think a cartoon published in an independent newspaper is any reason to withdraw ambassadors from that country. Do we withdraw our ambassadors from a muslim country every time it's citizens are engaged with the abduction and decapitation of British civilians in Iraq?

If I were Tony Blair, my message would be this: "Get a sense of humour, fella!"
Blimey, thought you must have 'fallen in love or something silly like that'.
Perhaps the old cocktail did the biz !! ;) :cool: :cool:
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Let's just say the computer is situated too far from the bedroom to be on the internet every day ;)

Cocktail went down a treat, thanks :LOL:
Old Ken is not on the right shift for dossing at the keyboard .. Never uses the home machine .... tight bartender.
Who would of Thunk it ..lol..maybe the Germans yes but not the Danes .lol..lol :)
them Danes an joey=webmong was only saying how the Danes were all PC an Right-on the other day ,lol

I wonder has slogger been over stirring it up about the Great Muslim Threat ..lol ;)
btw I saw "Our Geordie dancer=slogger" on TV news escorting his mate Griffin out of court the other night..lol :) :)
Moz said:
Who would of Thunk it ..lol..maybe the Germans yes but not the Danes .lol..lol :)
them Danes an joey=webmong was only saying how the Danes were all PC an Right-on the other day ,lol

I wonder has slogger been over stirring it up about the Great Muslim Threat ..lol ;)
btw I saw "Our Geordie dancer=slogger" on TV news escorting his mate Griffin out of court the other night..lol :) :)

too fat to be me :LOL: i am a born again cyclist 16 stone mind u but all muscle

where can i get a picture of this profit guy onto a t shirt got to make for some interestion clashes aint it :LOL:
anyhoo on a ligher note FU** ALL OF THEM i have no time for flag burners in the uk

cant wait for it to happen up here :LOL:

will you be wearing that t'shirt when youre out on your crusade against the muslim/fuggee threats on them estates ?

+ "mind u but all muscle ".....said in that geordie twang ... yeah we believe you aint a big fat pudding of a lad ;)

did you have a can of stella when your mate was found NOT GUILTY !?
Moz said:

will you be wearing that t'shirt when youre out on your crusade against the muslim/fuggee threats on them estates ?

+ "mind u but all muscle ".....said in that geordie twang ... yeah we believe you aint a big fat pudding of a lad ;)

did you have a can of stella when your mate was found NOT GUILTY !?
ah divnt drink

i am anyones after 3 cans of ace so i best leave it or my street cred would fold

good result for BNP i like some of there ideas but they fall short of a real political threat to labour dont they

now if the 2 merged we would have an interesting party what would it be called

They don't really do themselves any favors. The news reports show them burning flags, running around with guns etc etc and they wonder why such cartoons appear. We have taken the mick out of many religions, Life of Brian being an example, but nobody rioted because of it.

I think they are a little too sensitve and why the hell are we pandering to them. Pretty soon they will end up ruling all of us because this pc society we live in will not let us speak against their religion for fear of causing trouble.
"i am anyones after 3 cans"

does that include big gay muslim lads ..lol


you will find that "the Life of Brian" DID get in a load of trouble , with the Mary Whitehouse brigade ,an it was banned in many cinemas due to the happy clappy christian lot protesting ...

regarding these cartoons they were very upsetting for muslims ,so says my lil brown newsagent pal Uder , as some WERE blatantly racist , mohammad with turbim as a bomb....

we wouldnt allow old sterotypes of blacks as big lipped uncle toms all crack dealers an rapists in newspapers so why is it ok to show Mohamed as a terrorist in one ..?
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