Dating service adverts

3 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
How do I stop the insertion of adverts for "Mature Dating Service" into pages on this site.

It was embarrasing when I was introducing a neighbour to DIYnot to have picture of a mature woman on bed with a "come hither look" on the screen.
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Can you see the X on the top right hand corner which should mute the advert
I have used the X but the adverts re-appear on the next page I open.

You may need their services one day bernard. ;) ;)

I doubt it, while not actually fighting them of I do have more than enough attentive and caring female friends. And that will probably continue as long as I am a useful Mr Fix-It. :D
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Errrrrr... OK, how to put this delicately...

The adverts that you see dropped into the page aren't generated randomly. It all springs form what are called tracker cookies which keep an eye on the sites that you visit so that they can feed 'appropriate' advertising back at you.

Bernard is just embarrassed in case his picture pops up on his neighbours computer saying 'come on girls, you know you want to'



I think 'no comment' would probably be best in these circumstances.

If you want to stop it happening - delete all the cookies from your machine - don't rely on your browser to do it, it will say it has, but it hasn't.

Then try using 'pron mode' in the browser of your choice, which will limit tracker cookies, but won't stop them entirely.

At the end of the day, it is the tracker cookies that generate income for the website, the web designer will do what he/she can to make sure you can't avoid them.


I was thinking just that. Screwfix (and their owners B&Q) seem to have a particularly aggressive online advertising policy.
I had deleted ( or thought I had ) all cookies but will now check the browser actually did remove them.

Still leaves the question how did the cookie get there. Time for a password change in case I am being cloned.

Never trust other people's PC. I had a previous password stolen and my account hacked when I logged on using a client's PC. Unknown to him (?) there was key logger on his machine.

Screwfix, aggressive ? never :LOL: even when I log onto to a music related members only forum in the USA I get adverts for things I had looked at on the Screwfix site.
Cookies are a necessary evil of the internet I'm afraid.

Nothing to do with any kind of malware and or you being phished, cloned or anything else.

Websites will drop cookies onto your machine pretty much whether you like it or not. You can set your browser to it's most draconian settings with regard to cookies but they will still be there.

They do actually enhance the user experience (oooooh, get me) most of the time.

A lot of the web paranoid community get awfully upset about the information that Google gathers about your use of t'internet, they say it is just to make everything better for everyone, personally I sit somewhere in the middle - Google is evil, but it is a necessary evil - Just like income tax!

If you are really concerned, delete your cookies - using Explorer rather than your browser - on a regular basis. But, don't be surprised if you go to webpages you expect to be configured how you like them, and they're not!
I used to get the mature dating ads but now I've started getting adverts for stair lifts and hip replacements!
How do I stop the insertion of adverts for "Mature Dating Service" into pages on this site.

It was embarrasing when I was introducing a neighbour to DIYnot to have picture of a mature woman on bed with a "come hither look" on the screen.

I have been getting these also......I have never been on these dating websites so not sure why I am getting them....tbh the ladies look nice though :eek: :eek: :eek:
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