did i just see this?

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
A man stopped his car outside my house. He got out, walked round to the boot. He opened the boot and got out a can of fosters. He then sat in the drivers seat, shut his door, and opened the can (i heard it), took a long swig from it, and then drove off. :eek:



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I know what you mean... I mean Fosters urgh, now if we're talking about Carlsberg Export that's a different thing.
lol you guys crack me up.

i've phoned it in anyway. they are gonna circulate the reg number.
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This will sound like a stupid question I'm sure, but me and the wife have a standing disagreement surrounding this...

What I mean is that (say) I'm at home having a beer, and we decide to go out, why can't I finish my beer while driving the car? I'm not over the limit, and I doubt I'd be stopped if I was drinking a can of coke.

So my question is "is it illegal to drink alcohol and drive" literally?

NOTE to reader: I've never actually drove whilst drinking, I just wondered if it would be illegal (I've no doubt it is certainly the sort of thing that would attract the attention of the police, but could they arrest you over it?)
So my question is "is it illegal to drink alcohol and drive" literally?

Yes, not sure if it is an arrestable offence, but if you have a can of beverage in one hand and the steering wheel in the other you are not in full control of the car so an offence will have been committed.

Is it legal to drive whilst smoking?
When in the U.S. (Florida) a long while back, 'twas illegal to even carry booze within the passenger cabin. All booze had to go 'in the trunk'.
Is it legal to drive whilst smoking?

Yep. it can be if you're not in complete control of the vehicle.

To Steve, you "phoned it in" exactly what offence do you think had been committed?

It is odd, what he did, but it is not an offence unless he was over the limit.
Yeah, and not so long ago, in Texas, it was only illegal to drink whilst driving, you could stick as much down your gullet as you could stay conscious with, but woe betide you if you drank whilst driving.

Always used to make me laugh that petrol stations didn't sell alcohol. Why? They sold condoms :LOL:
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