Take a look at THIS first
Looking at both sides of the sub-issue
The guy wants his boiler to work.
Tony wants to see safe procedures followed as do all of us who are here to help.
To save us repeating ourselves would it be possible to have a more prominent disclaimer regarding the safety issues. Perhaps as a T&C's window when a new topic is posted or maybe in a noticeable position on every topic.
I know there is a disclaimer somewhere which should protect us from being sued but by giving it a greater presence; in the form of a short sharp reminder I believe we could stop DIYers from exceeding their limitations, prevent accidents and be more helpful to those who seek advice and information here.
Please register your support [or otherwise] here with or without a suggestion of how this disclaimer if adopted should be worded or presented.
Here's my first idea of how the message should go.
"We do our best but following our advice could be dangerous
Read our T&C's [link]
Stay safe"
Is that the right message?
Could it be more briefly worded?
Can we make it happen?
Lynda, moderator
If enough people agree, I suggest you contact admin, as moderators we can not do as you ask
Looking at both sides of the sub-issue
The guy wants his boiler to work.
Tony wants to see safe procedures followed as do all of us who are here to help.
To save us repeating ourselves would it be possible to have a more prominent disclaimer regarding the safety issues. Perhaps as a T&C's window when a new topic is posted or maybe in a noticeable position on every topic.
I know there is a disclaimer somewhere which should protect us from being sued but by giving it a greater presence; in the form of a short sharp reminder I believe we could stop DIYers from exceeding their limitations, prevent accidents and be more helpful to those who seek advice and information here.
Please register your support [or otherwise] here with or without a suggestion of how this disclaimer if adopted should be worded or presented.
Here's my first idea of how the message should go.
"We do our best but following our advice could be dangerous
Read our T&C's [link]
Stay safe"
Is that the right message?
Could it be more briefly worded?
Can we make it happen?
Lynda, moderator
If enough people agree, I suggest you contact admin, as moderators we can not do as you ask