DIYnot recession proof?

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
with the downturn in the worlds' economy, i guess that means sponsors of web sites etc will not be so forthcoming.

will DIYnot survive?

i hope so. how else will you fill in the gaps in the day......:cool:
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Well, after next month it doesn't matter, I won't have any BB access. I shall however be receiving JSA and WTC. Happy XMAS and 2009 all. Sorry you're having to pay for me :(
Toooo many acronyms/abbreviations there 2sccops :eek:

Surely this site does not live on ad revenue alone? If it does, then there must be some money in it which I am missing out on.

I think the oposite will be true - more peole turning to DIY who would otherwise have paid someone to do the dirty work - bankers, financiers etc :rolleyes:
sorry you won't have broadband
good luck with the job seekers allowance and working tax credits i got jack sh*t for pulling my tripes out for 24 years
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Well, after next month it doesn't matter, I won't have any BB access. I shall however be receiving JSA and WTC. Happy XMAS and 2009 all. Sorry you're having to pay for me :(
WTC scoops? I thought you only got that if you are employed i.e. 'Working' Tax Credits? Or were you referring to your 'Better Half' receiving it?
Surely this site does not live on ad revenue alone?

well, how else do you suppose it gets paid for?

I have pay per click adds on my website (which is what diynot has), over a year it does pay for the site
Well, after next month it doesn't matter, I won't have any BB access. I shall however be receiving JSA and WTC. Happy XMAS and 2009 all. Sorry you're having to pay for me :(

Contact whoever you get your BB from, and mention your situation. They might give you a discount or put you on a more basic but cheaper package. Phone/net/cable companies would rather give you a huge discount than lose you as a customer (or to one of their rivals)

The interweb is a useful tool for job hunting. Plus you'll be wanting to sell all your junk on eBay to raise some cash.
Well, after next month it doesn't matter, I won't have any BB access. I shall however be receiving JSA and WTC. Happy XMAS and 2009 all. Sorry you're having to pay for me :(
WTC scoops? I thought you only got that if you are employed i.e. 'Working' Tax Credits? Or were you referring to your 'Better Half' receiving it?

Yes, indeed better half, I knew the kids would come in useful one day. Hopefully I will be employed soon, had a hopeful day today.

BB, nah I shall go to the "local" library, BB access plus don't have to heat the house :LOL:
well, how else do you suppose it gets paid for?

I have pay per click adds on my website (which is what diynot has), over a year it does pay for the site

is it solely reliant upon sponsors then breeze?
not as such no. (and sorry to be picky they are not sponsors)

the owner has to pay for the site and its bandwidth from his own pocket.

how ever with google ads, you register with google and you then put the code on your website. (you have various options, colour number, lay out etc)
when some one clicks on an ad (they dont have to buy anything) the owner of that ad gets charged.
The person displaying that ad then gets a small % of that charge

when it reaches £100 (for UK people) google send you a cheque, or carry it over to the next month if it doesnt make £100

this money is then youirs to do with as you please, but its a fair bet to say the owner pays for the website with it

The ads are chosen automaticaly by google, it reads the page hidden text and chooses something apropriate to the text it finds

I am not sure how the deal with screwfix works, but i suspect its not that hard.
so whats to stop you keep clicking on ads that are on your own site to bump up the revenue?
that i can not give a definative answer too, but i guess they note your ip address, so you could go to an internet cafe and click on your sites links, but again the ip would be a give away, 200 clicks from the same place in say an hour, bit like that bloke who complained about 118 118 jokes. 118 118 say they have around 50 texts asking for vairants of "asain jokes"

besides would you really want to sit in a cafe clicking on the same ads hour after hour?
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