Hi, I removed a downstairs non load bearing brick wall last year (wall ran in same direction as joists/ no wall directly above it but off set and it doesn't even rest on upstairs floorboards/ loose bricks ran along top of the removed wall and i think were only there to plaster onto and the ceiling plasterboard ran all the way through - so I am convinced although it was brick with a double doorway and lintel that it wasn't load supporting as there was nothing above it). However, the wall that was removed was bricked into the inner cavity wall of the exterior wall and extended at right angles to the other side of the room and into the chimney stack wall which runs up the centre of the house. The question is, would an internal wall, or part of it, be used to 'hold in' the exterior wall to stop it bowing out? I've never seen this mentioned elsewhere or is this all achieved through the box shape of the 4 exterior walls?