Doctors threaten to quit NHS over shortage of protective kit

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
I have been saying this and it will come to pass as the Government is still not marshalling its resources properly.

A massive NHS recruitment drive to help contain the coronavirus pandemic risks being undermined by the prospect of doctors quitting over fears of inadequate protective equipment, groups representing frontline staff say.

The health secretary, Matt Hancock, said on Tuesday that 11,788 retired NHS staff had agreed to come back to work to help tackle the crisis – and announced the creation of a new 250,000-strong corps of “NHS Volunteer Responders”, who would be asked to take essential supplies to the most vulnerable people being “shielded” at home.
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There would be more money for this type of thing if we hadn't spent decades giving it all away to foreigners.
There would be more money for this type of thing if we hadn't spent decades giving it all away to foreigners.

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Utter garbage. Shameful and wrong. Both of you really are showing your bigotry.

Well they are looking. For volunteers to. Help. Out

Best u get off yer back side stop whinging and volunteer

Take John d with you

Do some thing useful for ounce
Well they are looking. For volunteers to. Help. Out

Best u get off yer back side stop whinging and volunteer

Take John d with you

Do some thing useful for ounce

That doesn't answer the pressing need for PPE equipment. Not very sharp are we?
That doesn't answer the pressing need for PPE equipment. Not very sharp are we?

No. I am. Not as I am brain damaged and have a low IQ :cool:

All u do is whinge and post up let's blame every one type posts those who vote Brexit or for buffoon Johnson ect ect

At lest 2 people in. He CC are doing labour free repairs for NHS staff

We got an elderly person with terminal. Cancer and no heating or hot water trying to sort some thing for her

Went to a school today to beg for some anti viral spay as we need to go. Into. Her house

Went to 2 over 70s today no. Heating who are self isolating

250000 volunteers needed ;)
That doesn't answer the pressing need for PPE equipment. Not very sharp are we?
It’s about time people realise that expectations of receiving everything they need or think they need no longer apply.

Where do you expect the government to magic this ppe from?

blaming cuts and politics makes no difference. If the ppe doesn’t exist, all the verbal hot air won’t help.

we have to make the best of what we’ve got. And yes, some people will die.
It’s about time people realise that expectations of receiving everything they need or think they need no longer apply.

Where do you expect the government to magic this ppe from?

blaming cuts and politics makes no difference. If the ppe doesn’t exist, all the verbal hot air won’t help.

we have to make the best of what we’ve got. And yes, some people will die.

Spoken like a death cultist.

Utter BS. So medical staff will just stop working. No PPE equipment why should they continue to work? letter to members, Thuesday 24 March.pdf

ENT UK now advises that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment: FFP3 masks, visors, gowns and gloves) beused for all forms of nasal and throat examination, in both the hospital, outpatient clinic and community settings. We should assume now that all ENT patients are potential carriers of the virus, and therefore only see patients for any ENT face-to-face consultation with appropriate PPE

I suspect you know better than ENT UK.
I'm just surprised that it's Boris Johnson's responsibility to order facemasks, I would have thought there were NHS managers in place to organise this sort of thing. And don't anyone dare tell me there is insufficient money in the pot for PPE equipment.

In short, someone at the NHS has fuked up, create a diversion and blame it on the Torys.
Spoken like a death cultist.

Utter BS. So medical staff will just stop working. No PPE equipment why should they continue to work? letter to members, Thuesday 24 March.pdf

ENT UK now advises that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment: FFP3 masks, visors, gowns and gloves) beused for all forms of nasal and throat examination, in both the hospital, outpatient clinic and community settings. We should assume now that all ENT patients are potential carriers of the virus, and therefore only see patients for any ENT face-to-face consultation with appropriate PPE

I suspect you know better than ENT UK.
Death cultist? I just put 140 of the staff that work in my factory on furlough today. They will get paid for the foreseeable future. I don’t yet know how much of that the government will fund. So what the government doesn’t fund I will be paying out of my own pocket. I won’t be taking a salary until the company has cash flow again.

I have the luxury of closing my factory because we’re not essential workers, despite Matt Hancock this morning asking that manufacturing continue. We’re trying to start producing ventilators, but it’s a 8-12 week lead in before that can start and my staff working on the project are giving their time of their own free will and not moaning that they’re on reduced pay whilst on furlough. Our factory stock of ffp3 masks and hand sanitizer has all been donated to our local hospital today.

What have you done for our country today?

The nhs workers don’t have the choice to shut down and are putting themselves in harms way for our benefit. Whilst we should provide every bit of ppe we can, the nurses and doctors I know accept that they have a job to do and will do it come what may. If the ppe isn’t available, they won’t down tools. They will continue to treat patients to the best of their ability. Yes we should absolutely provide what we can, but the days of doctors and nurses threatening strikes etc if they don’t get ppe are gone for now. The woke generation just woke up to the real world.
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I'm just surprised that it's Boris Johnson's responsibility to order facemasks, I would have thought there were NHS managers in place to organise this sort of thing. And don't anyone dare tell me there is insufficient money in the pot for PPE equipment.

In short, someone at the NHS has fuked up, create a diversion and blame it on the Torys.

Strawman time.

Bojo responsibility is to the public and NHS staff.
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