does anybody know ??????

8 Mar 2009
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United Kingdom
hi.......... does anyone know which version of " I'll stand by you " is sung in the new NSPPC advert............ it's doin' my head in
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I find this and similar adverts absolutely digusting.

Surely the NSPCC should not have to be asking (begging) for public money to fund their activities. This money, and as much as is needed, should be provided by government instead of it being squandering on.....well you name it they seem to throw money at it.

These poor kids simply do not deserve to be treated so shamefully and in any society it is everyones responsibility to try to help - Social Services too!!!
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I find this and similar adverts absolutely digusting.

Surely the NSPCC should not have to be asking (begging) for public money to fund their activities. This money, and as much as is needed, should be provided by government instead of it being squandering on.....well you name it they seem to throw money at it.

These poor kids simply do not deserve to be treated so shamefully and in any society it is everyones responsibility to try to help - Social Services too!!!

Couldn't agree more.
But i find it annoying when there's these money raising activities... like liveaid and more recent things and they say "we've raised X amount of pounds to buy tents for the homeless".. so what about the people they bought the tents from... why didn't they just donate the tents? :eek:
Why don't you sell your car and donate it?

They say that Terry WogaN was paid 80k a time for comic relief - why didn't he forgo that? And why do heads of charities earn more than a GP? (over £120 K)
I complained to them, because at one stage they were running a series of ads about child abuse, and every single adult referred to in the ads as an abuser was 'he' .

I pointed out that statistically women form 20% of all convicted pedophiles and that women inflict domestic abuse as we ll as men, and the adverts were sexist.

I got a load of waffle back.
What I don't get is how £2 per month can stop someone beating up their child? And, how do they make the children so upset for the video??????
What I don't get is how £2 per month can stop someone beating up their child?
Systems, structures, counsellors, safe houses all cost money. Based on previous experience, they will have an approximate idea how much money an advert campaign will manage to raise to finance "X" number of child support structures

And, how do they make the children so upset for the video??????
Use actors I suppose
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