While I was abroad recently, a leak from the flat above mine ran through my flat and into the flat below. The owners of the flat below broke into my flat thinking that my flat was the source of the leak, and fitted new locks. The keys for these were then given to the owners of the flat above mine who arranged for a builder to repair the damage to my flat. The keys were then left for me on my return.
My problem is that I am concerned that I don't have the correct number of keys. There is an Ingersoll lock for which I have two keys and a Chubb lock for which I have one key. I am surprised that there are not more keys than this. Can anyone tell me how many keys are usually supplied with these two types of lock?
My problem is that I am concerned that I don't have the correct number of keys. There is an Ingersoll lock for which I have two keys and a Chubb lock for which I have one key. I am surprised that there are not more keys than this. Can anyone tell me how many keys are usually supplied with these two types of lock?