Door tamper fault

9 Apr 2022
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United Kingdom
I have a Galaxy 2 alarm, the magnetic door sensor failed, after fitting a new sensor the panel shows a tamper fault. Since the sensor as far as I know does not have tamper contacts, only having one reed switch. I have wired the new sensor the same as original, do I need to clear the fault message from the panel, if so how. I have attached a diagram of the sensor wiring if that helps.
I would be most grateful for your advice.

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Thank Handy for your quick reply.
As I said on my original post the sensor has only one reed switch (I have opened it up just to make sure) I have just moved into this house so don't know who fitted the alarm. All I can go off is the original wiring on the sensor, and assume it was working. The diagram you sent is no doubt how it should be done, but I only have one switch and 2 wires going to the sensor.
Post photo of contact,there are lots of different contacts available.IfI see terminals of contact an advise further.
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Twist the 2 legs of the resistors together. Up the twisted legs on one of the silver screws. Put one leg of resistor on other silver screw with one of the alarm wires from control panel.Put other leg of resistor on brass screw with other wire from control panel.
Hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your help.
Can you please look at the diagram, does it look right to how you discribe it.
No problem, very happy to do that.
Do I have to cancel the tamper message on the panel.

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