Whoa Guys,
This is not about"dot and dab"as per say using Gripfill,multi,etc. Do you think i'm stupid? (Don't answer that).If you refer back to the original post,it was about "sticking" plasterboard to the surface of one wall in a kitchen after the tiles had been removed. Probably,the wall surface,although covered in old tile adhesive would have been intact. On the odd small wall such as this,"sticking" p/board to this kind of surface with say "Sticks Like Sh*t", Gripfill or a similar adhesive works fine, as would/does "sticking" p/board on the same prepared/roughened wall surface with multi etc. Different stuff to drywall adhesive,but on the odd small wall,now and again, if multi's what you have at the time, it does the job without a problem.. It'll take some pulling off. You'll break the p/board first.