Double switch to two singles...

18 May 2018
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United Kingdom
So I have a double switch in our newly constructed hallway.

One switch controls the internal light, the other the outside light.

I’m now looking to replace the double switch with two separate switches: a standard one way switch for the external lights and a separate dimmer for the inside light. I’ve done bits n bobs of electrics before so I thought this wouldn’t be so hard...until I saw the amount of wires you can see I’ve already identified the wires that go live when the switch is activated.


I’d be grateful for any help in sorting this out!
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The "inside" switch appears to be one of two ( or more ) switches controlling the inside light ( both L1 and L2 are used ) so you will need to choose a dimmer that works on a two way circuit.
Your existing switch is two single switches in one lump of plastic - this shows the dividing line between the two halves:


Note that one half is "upside down".

If you get two individual switches and replicate the connections to and between them then it will work.

If you shop around you'll be able to find a modular device with one switch module and one dimmer module on one single-gang-wide plate, which will make installation easier.

Note that if you use a dimmer as one point of a 2-way switching setup then when you use the switch to turn the lights on they will come on at whatever brightness the dimmer happens to be set to, and if that is not what you need you'll have to go over to the dimmer and twiddle it. Some people find this behaviour annoying or inconvenient.


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Great stuff guys!

Yes, there was indeed another switch that controls the inside light but that switch is now not used at all as it’s hidden away in a cupboard!

Excellent...I’ve already bought the switches so will just use those, one above the other. Duplicating the wiring between the two looks quite simple, although it looks like I’ll need a longer bit of wire to make the ‘bridge’ between the two switches.

I’ll have a go and let you know how I get on!
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Excellent advice guys : sorted it all out this afternoon and it all works perfectly!


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