

9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Not something I believe in, to be honest.

However, yesterday I had a visit from a gentleman from United Utilities in response to my request for them to locate my external stopcock, should it exist at all.

Initially, he used a metal detector, but this proved fruitless as it was picking up the reinforcing in the concrete edging of the road (there is no pavement outside our house).
He then brought out from his van something that appeared to be two L-shaped pieces of wire loosely held in thin plastic tubes. I recognised these, of course, and my instant reaction was to say, "You are joking!"

He assured me that this was genuine and that he had found the dowsing rods more reliable than other conventional means of locating underground water pipes. He then walked back and forth along the suspected location and, lo and behold, the wires crossed at a certain point. The same happened along the path in front of the house.
Admittedly, I had already told him the location of our internal stopcock, but I have no doubt he was being perfectly genuine.

He told me that he has no idea how it works, but that it definitely works for him and that he uses them successfully in his work.
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Used to know a guy who did this. He said the secret is to hold the rods lightly but they must be kept horizontal to the ground.
Most people tend to hold them too firmly or let them droop towards the ground.
Considering this practise has been used for centuries there must be something in it.
It does seem to be made of "witches brew". It is very interesting that a professional would put himself in that position of looking silly to clients if he truly believed it did not work. I am 50/50 on the dawsing. Would love to see it on a Myth Busters or similar type of show.
The other way which I have used in the past is a Y shaped hazel twig. You hold the branches of the Y shape, one in each hand and bend them out slightly so the tip rises. If you cross water the tip will dip.
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It does seem to be made of "witches brew". It is very interesting that a professional would put himself in that position of looking silly to clients if he truly believed it did not work.

Oh yes. There was a queue of cars, due to roadworks with traffic lights, and the occupants must all have been watching him as he was quite visible to them, especially when he climbed up on to a grassy bank and performed the same ritual.

I'm absolutely sure he wouldn't have done that just for a laugh.

In fact, I'm so convinced now that I'm going to give it a try. I'm sure we must have some wire coat hangers kicking about somewhere.
For decades the famous mystic buster James Randi has been offering a million dollars to anyone that can prove divination/dowsing. To date many have tried but no-one has ever taken his money. Odd that eh?
It depends on your vision of god. We are lowlife mammals that are pretty clueless about just about everything in the universe. We know nuffink.
The other way which I have used in the past is a Y shaped hazel twig. You hold the branches of the Y shape, one in each hand and bend them out slightly so the tip rises. If you cross water the tip will dip.


God help us. :LOL: :LOL:
You skeptics know nuffink. Many a time have I made voodoo dolls of some of my naughtier pupils - you should see how they quieten down and sometimes even start sobbing when I hold their effigies aloft in the classroom and start stabbing them frantically with a 30cm breadknife.

Proof indeed that there's much that we cannot hope to comprehend and which doesn't make logical, scientific sense. :mrgreen:
Dowsing has been tested and proven not to work. It's a very easy thing to test yourself if you want - lay 4 hoses over your garden with the ends hidden and ask someone else to run water through one of them while you walk over with your rods.
It depends on your vision of god. We are lowlife mammals that are pretty clueless about just about everything in the universe. We know nuffink.
So why is it so odd?

If you are of the opinion that God exists then it is no more or less ridiculous and no more or less believable than if water divining exists.
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