Hi everyone, for you that don't know I am getting a bit building work done and also a full house rewire, outfront of the house some of the pointing is shot and I am getting that done but just wondering if the dpc may have gone ? There is a spot out back that was caused due to guttering leak that never got sorted and worn away the pointing but his is under front porch, guttering also needs sorted here what i am in process of getting done.not even sure if internal walls need dpc or not.
There is no sign of any damp anywhere in house just thought would ask whist I will be getting works done. It's a 1960s house. Would you usually get any dpc work done if no issues present and do you think the damage in pictures is due to guttering and water running down.
Thanks dean
There is no sign of any damp anywhere in house just thought would ask whist I will be getting works done. It's a 1960s house. Would you usually get any dpc work done if no issues present and do you think the damage in pictures is due to guttering and water running down.
Thanks dean