I want to replace my mechanical Drayton RTS1 stat to a digital Heatmiser DT-TS.
I have four existing wires (one being an earth,not being used), three wires are connected to the Drayton RTS1 : RED - L, BLUE - N and YELLOW - 3.
On the Heatmiser DT-TS unit the connections are: NC - NO - COM - N - L.
In the wiring manual for the Heatmiser it has an A1 and A2. What is A1 and A2? I just want to know where to put my existing wires into the Heatmisers units NC NO COM N L?
I'm presuming the Neutral and Live will be the blue and red. Is that another wire from A1 - L in the Heatmiser?
For information the boiler is an Ideal Classic NF60 and an ACL (Lifestyle) LP112 programmer.
Many thanks all.
I want to replace my mechanical Drayton RTS1 stat to a digital Heatmiser DT-TS.
I have four existing wires (one being an earth,not being used), three wires are connected to the Drayton RTS1 : RED - L, BLUE - N and YELLOW - 3.
On the Heatmiser DT-TS unit the connections are: NC - NO - COM - N - L.
In the wiring manual for the Heatmiser it has an A1 and A2. What is A1 and A2? I just want to know where to put my existing wires into the Heatmisers units NC NO COM N L?
I'm presuming the Neutral and Live will be the blue and red. Is that another wire from A1 - L in the Heatmiser?
For information the boiler is an Ideal Classic NF60 and an ACL (Lifestyle) LP112 programmer.
Many thanks all.