Telephone cable passes through a drilled hole in the breezeblock wall between two rooms in my 70s bungalow.
The telephone cable emerges through a plastic disc with a hole in it, to give a neat appearance, rather than emerging through the wallpaper.
* I want to remove the phone cable and make a bigger hole to take a coaxial TV cable. But I don't have an electric (or manual) drill. The breeseblocks must be 2 to 3 ins thick, say. Can I make a neat and effective job using just my existing tools -- nail punch, bradawl, assorted screwdrivers etc.
* Trunking/neat finish options for the above, please.
The telephone cable emerges through a plastic disc with a hole in it, to give a neat appearance, rather than emerging through the wallpaper.
* I want to remove the phone cable and make a bigger hole to take a coaxial TV cable. But I don't have an electric (or manual) drill. The breeseblocks must be 2 to 3 ins thick, say. Can I make a neat and effective job using just my existing tools -- nail punch, bradawl, assorted screwdrivers etc.
* Trunking/neat finish options for the above, please.