Driveway not draining

21 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
My property runs next to a stream and all of the rain and surface water is meant to go into the stream. The gutters and down pipes lead to underground pipes that flow into the stream. In this photo the gravel driveway slopes right to left, towards the stream.


The building is a concrete shed that is constantly damp and soaks up water on the other side of the wall. I dug up some of the gravel and the water is pooling next to the shed instead of flowing away:


On the opposite side of the driveway (nearer the stream) there is no pooling:


That low wall seems like a bad idea. I was hoping to make holes in it below the gravel to allow the water out but it's not even flowing that way. There is solid concrete under the gravel which slopes the wrong way.

The previous owner has installed a gravel drive on top of a concrete drive and has sloped all the gravel correctly, but of course the rain just drains through the gravel and then follows the flow of the concrete, towards the shed.

I'll keep investigating but suggestions welcome. I wish I'd known that the driveway was not professionally installed when I bought the house!
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I was wrong about the driveway. The 'under drive' is solid concrete and has a decent slope away from the shed and towards the stream.


Maybe its flowing to the left but the low wall on the left is stopping the drainage:


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