Driving - left / right?

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
Connecting Hong Kong and China...
GizMag said:
...Luckily there aren’t many countries that drive on the opposite side of the road and share borders. However, they do exist, such as China, which drives on the right, and the former British colony of Hong Kong, and former Portuguese colony of Macau, both which drive on the left...


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I've driven on both sides of the road (depending on which country I was in at the time :rolleyes: ) I allways found I had to concentrate really hard at the start.

I've been drving here for a few years now but there's an intersection in the next town that is on a bend. If there's traffic on it no problem, but if it's clear I enter the intersection and drive straight onto the wrong side :eek: . No idea why, it's only there.
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For the first time in 11 years, I slept on the other side of the bed as the wife needs to lie on my side because of her baby bump.

Hated it, couldn't get to sleep. Need to be on the other side tonight, i'm sure she will get her way though :mrgreen:
Well, I heard tell that in Eire, as part of their desire to be more 'continental' or even 'less British?' they intend to make the switch to the Left-Handed swordsman (Bonaparte) side.....

But to make the switch over less traumatic, unlike in Sweden (or indeed, recently, Gibraltar), it will be phased in over a week long period.

On the first Monday, it'll be HGV's on the 'wrong-side', Tuesday Buses, Wed Cyclists, Thurs Motorcycles, Friday Pedestrians, Saturday Taxi's/MiniCabs (no change there then......), the final Sunday it will be optional. (to give the Road Signage operatives a chance to catch up :eek:

Having a Japanese car, although RHdrive, depending on model spec, the indicator and wiper stalks are on the 'wrong' sides...so forever turning on the wipers to turn, and vice-versa! Identical car - same spec, oops indicators are now on the 'wrong' side..!

Have driven across Europe in a RH drive car, and didn't know what a row of trianges lined up across the road meant, nearly came a cropper (Give way), and turning left from an offslip caused some issues..

However, driving a LHD car in Europe also had problems, forever trying to change gear with my left hand, caused me to open the drivers door a few times, and being a hire vehicle open top jeep, on an island, do you really need to lock it all up, when you can easily pull the hood back, and open it anyway? If I left a softtop jeep in my area in the UK for 2 seconds, it would be gone forever!

Never got to grips to German speed limits, there is a speed limit, crossed out, then another limit underneath, but as my brain failed to compute their kph signs into kph on my speedo, may have broken the speed limit several times? But kept up with traffic, who also didn't seem to know!

Is there an official language of Luxemburg? There was a checkpoint, where traffic was filtered, but not stopped, then 5 minutes later you leave the country..
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