Drop Kerb and driveway ideas

9 Mar 2020
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United Kingdom
Hi all, wanting ideas for hard standing driveways. My front garden is currently half concreted (that's used as the driveway) and half grass garden. I wish to drop the kerb and have the whole front garden as hard standing driveway. I got quoted for tarmac, but think it will look a bit cr@p just black tarmac everywhere and the guy said cages and gravel wouldn't really work as the front garden is on a slope, paving bricks will probably cost a lot so was thinking of any other ideas? maybe a strip of paving bricks in the grass part wide enough for a car? or do the regs state that if you drop the kerb the whole garden has to be hard standing?
It will probably cost you as much to drop the kerb by an approved contractor as it will to widen the drive.
had a quote of around £1500 to drop kerb and 5k for digging up front garden and tarmacing it
Tarmac with block pavers - borders, parking bays, path, blingy designs, your house number etc all break up large areas of tarmac nicely.

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