I have two of these fitted and neither can be relied upon to do a part flush. Idea is hold the flush handle down then it should do a part flush, except it almost always does a full capacity flush. Full capacity flush should be one of press and release.
I have been in contact with Dudley who suggest the water level set too high is the usual reason. I have tried lowering the level well below the cistern capacity, the part flush does become a little more reliable, but there is still little certainty to it.
What does work more reliably to produce a part flush, is to press, release, delay, then press and hold.
I have been in contact with Dudley who suggest the water level set too high is the usual reason. I have tried lowering the level well below the cistern capacity, the part flush does become a little more reliable, but there is still little certainty to it.
What does work more reliably to produce a part flush, is to press, release, delay, then press and hold.