DVD/VCR combi

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Anybody any suggestions as to where I can find (or even better, which make/model) a DVD/VCR combi with the following features:

Willing to pay 100-150 for new machine as a gift for someone who is a bit of a technophobe, elderly, with movies from the US, (hence the Videoplus & NTSC).

Nicam, Videoplus and NTSC compatibility on VCR.

Multi-region & NTSC on DVD.

As DVD will be Multi-region, then it must be NTSC compatible by default, I guess.

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is that with or without gold plate?

saw one in a "Bescos" but it was a when it s gone its gone deals, not sure about video plus, to be honest i didnt know it still exists.
Why not buy a dvd recorder, transfer all of the vids to dvd and do away with the video. There are some reasonable recorders out there sub £200.00 Get one with DVD RAM capability and you reuse the dvd just as you would a video tape. Some have hard drives in so that you can record from tv without using the dvd

This is an elderly lady we're talking about - operating videoplus will be at the top end of her technical capabilities.

I'm not knocking her sex, but given her age, she is very unsure of technology.

That's why videoplus is a good idea, as it makes recording easier.
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Just for info. I had a brief look at a number of dvd recorders and most offer videoplue as standard.
Just saw an add for a product called 'video mate' or something very similar. For those that struggle to program the video etc. It has a switch for the day of the week ie m,t,w etc and two dials one for the start time and one for the finish time, you then transmit it to the video. Also nice and easy for those who have problems with small buttons
Panasonic NV-VP30 & 31 both play NTSC tapes and use video+. You would need to specify a multiregion version for NTSC DVD use though.
"Just saw an add for a product called 'video mate' or something very similar. For those that struggle to program the video etc. It has a switch for the day of the week ie m,t,w etc and two dials one for the start time and one for the finish time, you then transmit it to the video. Also nice and easy for those who have problems with small buttons"

GRC - Isn't it more a case of dialling in date & time, and having to leave the video mate pointed at the video recorder (which must be switched on) and the video mate essentially presses 'Record' and 'Stop' at the selected start & finish times?

If the family pet/child/alien visitor happens to wander in at the wrong time, you don't get your program when they obstruct the remote control sensor........(!)

Regards, Graham
..oh, and the video has to be left switched on and on the correct channel, too..... and the video mate will only record one programme, whereas the video will cope with 8, 10 or whatever the maker has set it for.......

Regards, Graham

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