Dye recall

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Does anybody have the list of products containing the alleged carcinogenic dye?

The website is food.gov.uk, but it's down - can anybody access it?

350 products are affected. The product with the dye in question is a worcester sauce, and this has been used to flavour other foods, including Not Poodle.

I'm interested to get hold of the list - can you help?
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Cheers, shaggy, but for some reason, I can't log on.

Can you copy the list and e-mail it to me? The address is in my profile.

Thanks a lot.

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oh god ive been eating somerfield steak and kidney pies in my packed lunch for the last 6 months (not every day) still with the white bread, beef and every thing else thats supposed to kill me, may as well die happy!
I was eating a microwave ready meal from Asda whilst reading through the list and then saw it was on it!!!!

Carried on eating though :D

Stuff like this doesn't bother me too much, I have iron guts generally....
The only thing on that list I have eaten is the Sainsbury's "Taste the Difference Shepherd's Pie", and only once. Was bl**dy good though. :D

I never realised how much stuff had Worcester sauce in it. Is this just a ploy to annoy foreign people who don't know how to pronounce "Worcestershire"?

But seriously, in theory the sauce is rank, it has f-ing anchovies in it for crying out loud. What place do anchovies have in shepherd's pie?!
This is the bit I don't understand,

Best Before Date or Use By Dates (up to and including unless otherwise stated)

So anything after these dates you're at risk and not before :?: :confused:
......This is a list of products that are currently known to be affected. Some products have now been reformulated to take out the affected ingredient, so you should look for the use-by/Best Before Date or the batch number to tell you if the product you have should not be eaten......

Is this the 'half' worm you would not like to find in your salad ? ....

;) ;)
wouldnt have thought it was that dangerouse its the colouring agent used on the chillie powder thats at fault
so its say 5% of the chillie powder and say the chillie powder is 5% of the sauce and wourrseshicherstertonsauce ;) is only 5% of the gravey content which is half the meal
so thats 1 20th of 1 20th of 1 20th of a half 400g meal so thats 0.025% so assuming the percentages are as high as what i say its not a lot so it must either be very deadly stuff or they are being very very over catious
AdamW said:
it has f-ing anchovies in it for crying out loud.

Not all W sauces have fish in. There are a few veggie versions, too.
big-all said:
wouldnt have thought it was that dangerouse its the colouring agent used on the chillie powder thats at fault
so its say 5% of the chillie powder and say the chillie powder is 5% of the sauce and wourrseshicherstertonsauce ;) is only 5% of the gravey content which is half the meal
so thats 1 20th of 1 20th of 1 20th of a half 400g meal so thats 0.025% so assuming the percentages are as high as what i say its not a lot so it must either be very deadly stuff or they are being very very over catious

Plus carcinogens are funny things, ingesting them does not guarantee you will get cancer, and NOT ingesting them does not guarantee that you WON'T get cancer.

Many of you probably know that apple pips contain cyanide compounds, and when digested these plonk a tiny amount of cyanide into your bloodstream. We have all met some freak who eats the whole apple, core and all, yet I have never heard of anyone getting cyanide poisoning from an apple. Sorry, went off on a tangent there.

So if we have these carcinogenic dinners, can you take them back I wonder?
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