Edinburgh Tattooed: RWR Arsonist convicted

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
He was caught the second time he tried it.

"A racist thug is behind bars after a petrol bomb attack at a mosque.

Thomas Conington - who sports a swastika tattoo on his chest - struck at the Central Mosque in Edinburgh last September.

The 28-year-old who 'accepts' he is a bigot, had started another fire at the Mosque the previous year and also turned up in the summer to shout racial abuse.

When detained by police he held up his middle finger towards officers and denied he was responsible.

However, Conington today admitted his guilt at the
High Court in Glasgow.

He admitted wilful fireraising, behaving in a threatening manner and a charge under the Explosives Act - all aggravated by religious prejudice."

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I wonder why Roger wants to show that he has nothing to say?
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He needs locking up for a very long time. Thank goodness no on was hurt.
What's all this RWR stuff?
It's Johnny Boy's idea of a balanced view. Anyone mentions Muslims in a bad light and he starts posting libertard clap trap showing the opposite (don't mention the Crusades) :D:D:D:D:D
It's Johnny Boy's idea of a balanced view. Anyone mentions Muslims in a bad light and he starts posting libertard clap trap showing the opposite (don't mention the Crusades) :D:D:D:D:D
Hey Jude, were you around for all of the hundreds of weekly anti-foreigner posts? If John carries on for another six months he'll be half way there to catching up on the RWR tally.:D:D:D:D

Oh sorry, we need five for optimum effect........:D
Ahh Johnny Boy, your favourite fan is here to support you. Perhaps you two should get together sometime? (or perhaps you're both an item already?? If you are, who's the net contributor you or Nosey?)
Ahh Johnny Boy, your favourite fan is here to support you. Perhaps you two should get together sometime? (or perhaps you're both an item already?? If you are, who's the net contributor you or Nosey?)
I doubt either are pillow biters tho admittingly one of them does strike you as being a little bit camp, looks wise. :eek:
Anyone mentions Muslims in a bad light

Oh judy, you are silly.

You don't really believe that throwing petrol bombs is equivalent to "mentions in a bad light."

Was it you that was released from prison lately? Are you Paul Golding?
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